
My soul death is averted by Rolfing® Structural Integration

Here is the final installment of the 3 part series about how I became a Certified Rolfer.™ In Part 3 I discover my love for dance, receive my first taste of hands-on manual therapy for a dance injury, … [Read more...]


Ida Rolf Was Studying Yoga Decades Before The Beatles Discovered the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Long before Michael Murphy and George Leonard coined the term "human potential movement' in 1965¹ and The Beatles met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in August 1967 Ida Rolf, Ph.D. was interested in the … [Read more...]


Freedom from twister cables as I stretch my body and soul

In reconstructing the timeline for this article I discovered I wore the twister cables for 15 to 18 months. I was still wearing the cables when I entered kindergarten in the fall of 1972. (In the … [Read more...]


New San Francisco Rolfing® Office

Or, Are You Ready For Me San Francisco? I am pleased to announce I have a new Rolfing office in San Francisco. On Mondays, beginning May 3, I started working at A Body of Work a highly respected San … [Read more...]


Rolfing Structural Integration is NOT Ralphing, ROFL, or . . .

A guide for all you 21st century internet savvy, Facebooking, Blogging, Twittering Peeps out there Long, long ago in a century far, far away lived a woman named Ida Pauline Rolf. She observed that … [Read more...]


Bodywork as Meditation Part 2 of 4

Continuation of the article written by my friend Raymond Bishop, Certified Advanced Rolfer. If we focus too much on muscular structures, we miss the larger fascial planes that morph and alter the … [Read more...]


How I Became a Certified Rolfer™ Part 3 (After The Braces Came Off)

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of this 4 part series. In reconstructing the timeline for this article I discovered I wore the twister cables for 15 to 18 months. I was still wearing the cables when I … [Read more...]