
Fascia and Rolfing Predicted to be Big Health Buzz Words for 2017

Rolfing UKA new article published in the United Kingdom this week predicts Rolfing SI is set to be the new health craze of 2017. The article goes on to recommend everyone over fifty should get Rolfing sessions.

When we age our fascia tends to dehydrate and become tougher creating stiffness and rigidity in the body. Rolfing rehydrates the fascia and softens it, which is why people feel so much more free and vibrant after the ten sessions. If we start to live in and enjoy our bodies more through Rolfing, then our attitude to the process of ageing is a lot more positive. Most people say they feel more grounded, or connected to the earth and that they feel more present in their lives.

Here is a great video from Rolf Institute faculty member Valerie Berg speaking about Rolfing and Aging.

Dr. Ida Rolf was the first scientist to recognize the critical role played by the fascia, which gives the human body its specific shape and orientation. While fascia’s remarkable plasticity enables us to adapt to stress and injury, it also thickens and rigidifies in response to strains pulling our bodies out of alignment with gravity. Slouched backs with heads too far forward, knock-knees or bowed legs, flat feet or high arches, excessive spinal curvature—these are all telltale signs of complex patterns of strain and tightness resulting from the thickening of the muscles and fascia. Dr. Rolf’s deepest practical insight was to recognize that this very same plasticity could be harnessed to literally reshape the body and bring about a fundamental structural transformation.

It feels good to know the work I have been doing for 20 years now is poised to become trendy in 2017. Whatever your profession, passion or age—Rolfing SI offers you a proven pathway to greatly enhanced physical flexibility, vitality and balance.

To read the full article on the High50 website click here.

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