Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrity Endorsements

I usually receive Rolfing early in the week, Randy-thumbafter the Sunday game when I’m feeling bruised and sore. It helps improve the healing process and gets me back to feeling better. It relaxes me. Rolfing helps my whole body and that makes a difference in bringing my body back quicker.
—  RANDY MOSS, Wide Receiver, New England Patriots

The effect Rolfing has had on my yoga practice Sianna-thumbis so remarkable I would make something up just to get on the table.
—  SIANNA SHERMAN, Internationally Respected Yoga Teacher

I began to realize my arms had become like Leon-thumbpetrified wood, like stone. I’ve been receiving Rolfing® structural integration for a year now. It’s wondrous, it’s wondrous the change.
—  LEON FLEISHER, Virtuoso Concert Pianist

Rolfing literally releases the joints. WhenDrOz-thumb you talk to folks about the impact it has on them, a lot of them just stand taller. A lot is just freeing you up to live the way you’re supposed to live.
—  Dr. Mehmet Öz, Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Author, and TV Personality

The World Series was the highlight of mySean-thumb career and without my Rolfer I would not have been able to do what I did. (Doctors projected a three week recovery; Sean was playing again within 10 days.) Rolfing has helped me 100%.
—  Sean Casey, Commentator for the MLB Network & former Major League Baseball Player
