
Appointments and Fees

You can get started with Rolfing SI in a couple of ways:
Book appointment online now (New client sessions are 90min minimum)
Book FREE consultation to answer your questions by phone or in-person

New Fee Schedule Effective February 6, 2023

$200 – Standard Rolfing® Session (80 minutes to do check in, body reading, movement education, and hands-on manipulation) This is my normal session. It is mandatory for new clients.

$150 – Rolf Movement® Session (50 minute session devoted to helping you change the habits that cause your back and body pain)

$150 – Fix-it Session (50 minutes to focus on small, specific issues like neck pain, or elbow tendinitis.) Low back pain is NOT a fix-it issue.

$580 – 3 Session Mini-Series (Save $20)
$1130 – 6 session Annual Tune-up. For those who have completed the Rolfing® 10-Series. (Save $70)
$1885 – 10 Session series.  Experience the classic Rolfing® Ten-Series as developed by Dr. Ida Rolf. (Save $115)

Note: To receive package price fee is due at start of series. We can also pre-schedule all of your sessions so you know exactly when you have appointments.