
New Fee Schedule February 6

First let me express my deep appreciation to those of you who have chosen to continue working with me through the pandemic of 2020, and all the way up to now. There were times in 2020 when I thought I was going to need to make a career change. It has been a long slog for all of us. We continue to mask at the office to protect ourselves and our patients.

My office mate works with babies and children who are too young to get vaccinated so we continue to need to be very careful. I personally have been exposed to the virus three times by clients who were asymptomatic on the day they saw me. Fortunately, I did not catch COVID as both my client and myself were masked throughout the entire Rolfing session. I know masking is not pleasant. I never thought I would still be needing to wear a mask in 2023. The inconvenience seems minor compared to the impact of a potential case of Long COVID. And yes, I do know people who have been afflicted long-term, and it has changed the quality of their lives.

My new fee schedule becomes effective February 6, 2023. Until that time you can buy individual Rolfing sessions, or a package of sessions at my current prices.

New Fee Schedule Effective February 6

$200 – Standard 80 minute Rolfing® session

$150 – Rolf Movement® session

$150 – Fix-it session (50 minutes for very small, specific issues like elbow tendonitis, or sudden onset neck stiffness or pain)

Package Prices (Fee is Due at Start of Series)

$580 – 3 Session Rolfing® Mini-Series

$1130 – 6 Session Annual Tune-up

$1885 – Prepaid Rolfing® Ten Series

And finally I’d like to share with you a nice blog post by professional dancer and Certified Rolfer™ Jennifer-Lynn Crawford. Jennifer practices in the United Kingdom. She was so impressed by her experience with Rolfing as a client that she decided to train as a practitioner herself. You can read her full post on the European Rolfing® Association’s website.

As a professional dancer, Rolfing™ has helped me inhabit my body. That is where I feel Rolfing really shows up as a gift to movers.

Jennifer-Lynn Crawford, Professional Dancer & Rolfer™

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