
Celebrating 20 years of Service

Jan Sultan Rolfing SI demoLast week I had the good fortune to spend four days with Advanced Rolfing instructor Jan Sultan, and his co-teacher Valerie Berg in the last week of The Rolf Institute Advanced Training in Venice Beach, CA.

The Rolf Institute Advanced Training is a 24 day (168) hour course where Certified Rolfers learn new skills and explore the relationship between perception and embodiment.

I did my Advanced Training with Jan Sultan and Sally Klemm in Seattle in 2000. My goals in spending last week in Southern California were self-evaluation, to see what is currently happening in RI Advanced Trainings, and to spend time with a couple of our fabulous faculty members. Jan Sultan began his studies with Dr. Ida Rolf in 1969, and has been teaching for The Rolf Institute since 1975. Valerie Berg has been a Certified Rolfer since 1988 and a member of The Rolf Institute faculty since 2003.

The following areas were covered in the class:Valerie Berg Rolfing demo

• 10-series review

• How to design and practice client-centered, non-formulaic Rolfing sessions or series

• Functional anatomy and fascial architecture maps

• Biomechanics as an exploration of how things work, both specifically and in relationship to the rest of the system, including: myofascial, ligamentous, and articular considerations in the application of skilled techniques

• Creating more effective therapeutic relationships with clients.

• Techniques to improve the Rolfer’s self awareness and expand her/his skills in perception

• Focus on the body mechanics of the Rolfer with the goal of creating more ease while working.

• Expanding and refining the range of touch the Rolfer can apply to better match the needs of the client

Yes, we do think about all of these things! Yes, Rolfers are serious body geeks. A hearty congratulations to our new group of Certified Advanced Rolfers!

Advanced Rolfing class Venice 2016


Certified Rolfer CertificateLast Monday, April 18, 2016, marked the 20 year anniversary of my graduation from The Rolf Institute. I could not think of a better way to celebrate than hanging out with a group of Rolfers, in a learning environment, with Jan Sultan transmitting what he learned from Dr. Ida Rolf and in his 47 years of Rolfing practice.

In closing, here is a great video of Jan Sultan speaking about our physical and spiritual nature. Enjoy!



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