
What you get from a Rolfing Session & New Fee Schedule

For most people the two biggest obstacles to getting a Rolfing® session are time and money, and coming in for a Rolfing session is a considerable investment in both. I think it is important to … [Read more...]


Celebrating 20 years of Service

Last week I had the good fortune to spend four days with Advanced Rolfing instructor Jan Sultan, and his co-teacher Valerie Berg in the last week of The Rolf Institute Advanced Training in Venice … [Read more...]


Everything You Want to Know About Rolfing SI

In the last three months The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration has, for the very first time, produced two fantastic videos. The shorter video is geared toward people who are interested … [Read more...]


New Year, New You, New Fee Schedule

Happy New Year! I wish you and all your loved ones a New Year filled with Health, Happiness and Prosperity. May 2016 offer us all new possibilities to Smile, Create, Travel, Celebrate, Sing, Laugh, … [Read more...]


NEW Santa Rosa Office April 1st

The one thing in life you can be certain of is change. Holding true to that maxim I find myself moving my Santa Rosa office again in less than a year since my last move. I am pleased to announce my … [Read more...]


And We Are Live!

I am delighted to announce the re-launch of www.RedwoodEmpireRolfing.com. Victor Thomas of Thomas Digital Design has been working with me for several months to create this beautiful new showcase for … [Read more...]


Is Rolfing Structural Integration the Same as Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release?

There seems to be a lot of confusion in the public's awareness of the difference between Rolfing Structural Integration and deep tissue massage therapy. Instead of writing one more article explaining … [Read more...]


2nd Annual Rolfing® SI National Awareness Week Celebrated in San Francisco May 16

Do you suffer from back, knee or neck pain? Carpal tunnel syndrome? Interested in having better posture? Or, do you just want to feel more at home and graceful in your body? If so, GOOD … [Read more...]


Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson tweets about his Rolfing® SI Session

About 3 hours ago Adrian Peterson NFL running back for the Minnesota Vikings tweeted this about Rolfing SI from his BlackBerry®. Adrian Peterson Hello twitter world! I'm at my rolfing session … [Read more...]