
Harvard Medical School Supports Groundbreaking Research on Structural Integration for Chronic Low Back Pain

My colleague, Eric Jacobson, Ph.D., conducts research on alternative medicine at Harvard Medical School. In 2009 he received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to conduct a pilot clinical … [Read more...]


Give the Gift of Rolfing SI

Online Gift Certificates now For Sale Have you had a remarkable experience with Rolfing SI? Have your Rolfing sessions helped you get out of pain, feel better, move more easily in your body, and get … [Read more...]


Is Rolfing Structural Integration the Same as Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release?

There seems to be a lot of confusion in the public's awareness of the difference between Rolfing Structural Integration and deep tissue massage therapy. Instead of writing one more article explaining … [Read more...]


Rolfing SI Featured in 10 Page Bodywork Slideshow on iVillage.com

I was recently interviewed by reporter Marissa Capodanno for an article about bodywork modalities she wrote for www.ivillage.com. (Update 4/25/16: It looks like the URL www.ivillage.com now redirects … [Read more...]


My Pilates Journey

I have been involved with Pilates more or less since the late 1980s. I was first introduced to Pilates principles while studying dance with Mercy Sidbury at Sonoma State University. My curiosity … [Read more...]