
Celebrating 18 Years as a Certified Rolfer

April 18, 1996 I completed my basic Rolfing SI training at The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. Last month marked the 18 year anniversary of my graduation. Wow! What … [Read more...]


Is Rolfing Structural Integration the Same as Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release?

There seems to be a lot of confusion in the public's awareness of the difference between Rolfing Structural Integration and deep tissue massage therapy. Instead of writing one more article explaining … [Read more...]


Rolfing Structural Integration is NOT Ralphing, ROFL, or . . .

A guide for all you 21st century internet savvy, Facebooking, Blogging, Twittering Peeps out there Long, long ago in a century far, far away lived a woman named Ida Pauline Rolf. She observed that … [Read more...]


Green Jobs Pioneer Van Jones Utilized Rolfing® SI in His Search For Personal Healing

In an interview in the April 2009 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine Van Jones speaks about his personal quest for healing. He says he spent his time "meditating, listening to New Age lectures about … [Read more...]


How I Became A Certified Rolfer™ Part 4 (Finding My Calling)

Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this 4 Part series. After graduating from university I tried to force myself into a career as an accountant. I enjoyed the intellectual challenge of working in … [Read more...]


How I Became a Certified Rolfer™ Part 3 (After The Braces Came Off)

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of this 4 part series. In reconstructing the timeline for this article I discovered I wore the twister cables for 15 to 18 months. I was still wearing the cables when I … [Read more...]


How I Became a Certified Rolfer™ Part 1 (Beginning My Journey)

Different synchronistic events and life circumstances can sometimes conspire to show you your life’s path. In my case, those events and conditions combined with my anatomical structure to show me … [Read more...]