For most people the two biggest obstacles to getting a Rolfing® session are time and money, and coming in for a Rolfing session is a considerable investment in both. I think it is important to … [Read more...]
Fascia and Rolfing Predicted to be Big Health Buzz Words for 2017
A new article published in the United Kingdom this week predicts Rolfing SI is set to be the new health craze of 2017. The article goes on to recommend everyone over fifty should get Rolfing … [Read more...]
Everything You Want to Know About Rolfing SI
In the last three months The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration has, for the very first time, produced two fantastic videos. The shorter video is geared toward people who are interested … [Read more...]
Why Does it Seem Like Your Shoulders are Always So Tense and Sore?
When a client comes to my office for a Rolfing SI session more often than not they say, "My shoulders and neck are a chronic area of tension and pain." As a Certified Advanced Rolfer I … [Read more...]