
How Swedenborg’s Mysticism Influenced Osteopathy, Rolfing SI and The Psychological Lineage of The Fledgling Esalen Institute

I recently spent some time at Esalen® Institute and while there picked up a copy of Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion by Jeffrey J. Kripal. This book recounts the fascinating formation … [Read more...]


Sullenberger’s “Highest Duty” To Maintain Ego Capacity in High Intensity Emergency Landing

Just as US Airways Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III skillfully landed his jet in the Hudson River on January 15th, 2009, there is an art to landing from peak experiences. Everyone on board the jet … [Read more...]


5Rhythms® Movement Practice Helps Me Get My Flow On

I went to a Sweat Your Prayers: Silent Practice last Sunday hosted by The Moving Center School. I had not been to a Sweat Your Prayers in quite some time and the practice got me back in touch with a … [Read more...]