
What you get from a Rolfing Session & New Fee Schedule

For most people the two biggest obstacles to getting a Rolfing® session are time and money, and coming in for a Rolfing session is a considerable investment in both. I think it is important to … [Read more...]


Everything You Want to Know About Rolfing SI

In the last three months The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration has, for the very first time, produced two fantastic videos. The shorter video is geared toward people who are interested … [Read more...]


New Year, New You, New Fee Schedule

Happy New Year! I wish you and all your loved ones a New Year filled with Health, Happiness and Prosperity. May 2016 offer us all new possibilities to Smile, Create, Travel, Celebrate, Sing, Laugh, … [Read more...]


Why Does it Seem Like Your Shoulders are Always So Tense and Sore?

When a client comes to my office for a Rolfing SI session more often than not they say, "My shoulders and neck are a chronic area of tension and pain." As a Certified Advanced Rolfer I … [Read more...]


Structural Integration: The Journal of the Rolf Institute now available on Amazon

Have you been eager to know what Certified Rolfers™ are thinking about and exploring in their private practices? Ever wondered what is piquing the curiosity of the collective brain trust in the … [Read more...]


Give the Gift of Rolfing SI

Online Gift Certificates now For Sale Have you had a remarkable experience with Rolfing SI? Have your Rolfing sessions helped you get out of pain, feel better, move more easily in your body, and get … [Read more...]


NEW Santa Rosa Office April 1st

The one thing in life you can be certain of is change. Holding true to that maxim I find myself moving my Santa Rosa office again in less than a year since my last move. I am pleased to announce my … [Read more...]


And We Are Live!

I am delighted to announce the re-launch of www.RedwoodEmpireRolfing.com. Victor Thomas of Thomas Digital Design has been working with me for several months to create this beautiful new showcase for … [Read more...]


FAQ About Rolfing® Structural Integration

  Before diving into answering the most frequently asked questions I receive about Rolfing® SI I would like to share this video with you of a presentation my colleague Robyn Martin of Rolfing … [Read more...]


Professional Baseball Players use Rolfing® SI to Recover From Injury and Stay in the Game

Over the past 25 years many professional baseball players have used Rolfing® Structural Integration to help them recover from injuries and stay in the game. Here is a list of half a dozen players who … [Read more...]