
Celebrating 20 years of Service

Last week I had the good fortune to spend four days with Advanced Rolfing instructor Jan Sultan, and his co-teacher Valerie Berg in the last week of The Rolf Institute Advanced Training in Venice … [Read more...]


Everything You Want to Know About Rolfing SI

In the last three months The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration has, for the very first time, produced two fantastic videos. The shorter video is geared toward people who are interested … [Read more...]


Structural Integration: The Journal of the Rolf Institute now available on Amazon

Have you been eager to know what Certified Rolfers™ are thinking about and exploring in their private practices? Ever wondered what is piquing the curiosity of the collective brain trust in the … [Read more...]


Celebrating 18 Years as a Certified Rolfer

April 18, 1996 I completed my basic Rolfing SI training at The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado. Last month marked the 18 year anniversary of my graduation. Wow! What … [Read more...]


Massage Magazine Features Rolfing SI in Technique Spotlight Article

Many of you know I enjoy writing and last December I was asked to write an article for Massage Magazine. It was published just this month in the February 2014 issue. It's a basic introductory piece … [Read more...]