
Massage Magazine Features Rolfing SI in Technique Spotlight Article

What is RolfingMany of you know I enjoy writing and last December I was asked to write an article for Massage Magazine. It was published just this month in the February 2014 issue. It’s a basic introductory piece geared toward the massage therapist helping them understand a bit about the origins of Rolfing® SI (not in massage therapy) and describing what one might experience in a Rolfing session. (With me anyway.)

Massage Magazine keeps their digital edition behind a password protected area on their website so you’ll need to purchase a copy at your local newsstand or pay a visit to their partner website FutureLMT.com to read the full piece. Here’s the link.

If it seems appropriate please share the article with people who are curious about Rolfing SI. It’s a simple, short introductory piece that can answer many of people’s most basic questions. Here is a PDF you can download, print and share. “Technique Spotlight: Rolfing® Structural Integration,” by Carole LaRochelle, B.C.S.I.

And as always, thank you for reading!

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