
What you get from a Rolfing Session & New Fee Schedule

For most people the two biggest obstacles to getting a Rolfing® session are time and money, and coming in for a Rolfing session is a considerable investment in both. I think it is important to … [Read more...]


Fascia and Rolfing Predicted to be Big Health Buzz Words for 2017

A new article published in the United Kingdom this week predicts Rolfing SI is set to be the new health craze of 2017. The article goes on to recommend everyone over fifty should get Rolfing … [Read more...]


Celebrating 20 years of Service

Last week I had the good fortune to spend four days with Advanced Rolfing instructor Jan Sultan, and his co-teacher Valerie Berg in the last week of The Rolf Institute Advanced Training in Venice … [Read more...]


Everything You Want to Know About Rolfing SI

In the last three months The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration has, for the very first time, produced two fantastic videos. The shorter video is geared toward people who are interested … [Read more...]


New Year, New You, New Fee Schedule

Happy New Year! I wish you and all your loved ones a New Year filled with Health, Happiness and Prosperity. May 2016 offer us all new possibilities to Smile, Create, Travel, Celebrate, Sing, Laugh, … [Read more...]


Structural Integration: The Journal of the Rolf Institute now available on Amazon

Have you been eager to know what Certified Rolfers™ are thinking about and exploring in their private practices? Ever wondered what is piquing the curiosity of the collective brain trust in the … [Read more...]


Harvard Medical School Supports Groundbreaking Research on Structural Integration for Chronic Low Back Pain

My colleague, Eric Jacobson, Ph.D., conducts research on alternative medicine at Harvard Medical School. In 2009 he received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to conduct a pilot clinical … [Read more...]


Give the Gift of Rolfing SI

Online Gift Certificates now For Sale Have you had a remarkable experience with Rolfing SI? Have your Rolfing sessions helped you get out of pain, feel better, move more easily in your body, and get … [Read more...]


NEW Santa Rosa Office April 1st

The one thing in life you can be certain of is change. Holding true to that maxim I find myself moving my Santa Rosa office again in less than a year since my last move. I am pleased to announce my … [Read more...]


Massage Magazine Features Rolfing SI in Technique Spotlight Article

Many of you know I enjoy writing and last December I was asked to write an article for Massage Magazine. It was published just this month in the February 2014 issue. It's a basic introductory piece … [Read more...]