Archives for July 2012


Is Rolfing Structural Integration the Same as Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release?

There seems to be a lot of confusion in the public's awareness of the difference between Rolfing Structural Integration and deep tissue massage therapy. Instead of writing one more article explaining … [Read more...]


Rolfing® SI Helps Aikido Practitioner Improve Her Posture

Badger Stops Looking Up, Finds The Sky Within Five times in the past eighteen months, highly experienced practitioners or teachers of budo have stopped short, cast a critical eye at me, and … [Read more...]


Practitioner Focus: Coquelicot Gilland, Bodynamic Analyst and Pastoral Counselor

Every once in a great while a practitioner comes along who is so uniquely gifted that one must share with others information about that individual. Such a gifted practitioner is Coquelicot … [Read more...]