
Bodywork as Meditation Part 4 of 4

Final installment of the article by my friend Raymond Bishop, Certified Advanced Rolfer. Another dimension of this subtle and global sensing is a phenomenon called entrainment.¹?  Entrainment is the … [Read more...]


Bodywork as Meditation Part 3 of 4

Continuation of the article by my friend Raymond Bishop, Certified Advanced Rolfer. The ideas of Tolle have a strong resonance with a much earlier esoteric philosopher, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff who … [Read more...]


Bodywork as Meditation Part 2 of 4

Continuation of the article written by my friend Raymond Bishop, Certified Advanced Rolfer. If we focus too much on muscular structures, we miss the larger fascial planes that morph and alter the … [Read more...]


Bodywork as Meditation Part 1 of 4

The following is the text of an article written by my dear friend Raymond J. Bishop. Ray did his basic Rolfing® training and his Rolf™ Movement training at the Rolf Institute for Structural … [Read more...]


A Tribute to Raymond J. Bishop, Jr., Ph.D.

Ray Bishop was a close friend and colleague of mine who passed away in December 2008. What follows is a memorial I wrote for Ray. With the permission of his life partner, Carlton, I am also having Ray … [Read more...]