
Practitioner Focus: Coquelicot Gilland, Bodynamic Analyst and Pastoral Counselor

Every once in a great while a practitioner comes along who is so uniquely gifted that one must share with others information about that individual. Such a gifted practitioner is Coquelicot … [Read more...]


Ida Rolf Was Studying Yoga Decades Before The Beatles Discovered the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Long before Michael Murphy and George Leonard coined the term "human potential movement' in 1965¹ and The Beatles met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in August 1967 Ida Rolf, Ph.D. was interested in the … [Read more...]


Conscious Connection, The Ego & Embodied Presence: A Tribute for Elena Avila, Curandera

A while ago I had an interesting conversation with David Rickey over at www.SoulsCode.com. You can read our conversation about "A History of Consciousness, and How to Live in Presence" here. The next … [Read more...]