
Rolfing® SI National Awareness Week Celebrated in San Francisco and Santa Rosa, California

Rolfing SI Sidelying WorkTo celebrate the very first Rolfing® Structural Integration National Awareness Week, September 18-26, 2010, I am offering the public a chance to experience a FREE 30 minute mini Rolfing SI session at my San Francisco office on Monday, September 20 as well as at my Santa Rosa office on Friday, September 24.*

This is a fabulous opportunity to try Rolfing SI for the first time! Let’s meet each other. Receive a structural evaluation and consultation. Experience first hand how Rolfing SI addresses problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome and limited neck mobility.

Benefits of Rolfing SI:

  • Recover from an accident or injury
  • Improve posture & balance
  • Deepen pilates or yoga practices
  • Re-pattern habitual ways of being & moving
  • Increase flexibility
  • Boost physical fitness & athletic performance
  • Enhance body awareness

Here is how it works, simply phone my office to schedule your mini-session or go to my scheduling website:


select my San Francisco office for September 20 or my Santa Rosa office for September 24, and book a free 30-minute consultation. It’s that easy!

The Rolf Institute® of Structural Integration has created Rolfing SI National Awareness Week to honor the legacy of Dr. Ida P. Rolf, who developed Rolfing SI over fifty years ago. During these nine days, Certified Rolfers™ throughout the United States will hold local events and activities to promote the benefits of Rolfing SI. The Rolf Institute, headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, will host an open house on Thursday, September 23 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. featuring free Rolfing SI demonstrations to the general public along with the opportunity to meet renowned faculty and local Colorado Rolfers. More information about National Awareness Week is available at www.RolfingWeek.RolfingEvents.org.

Rolfing SI is a form of hands-on manipulation and education that systematically reorganizes the connective tissues, called fascia, to release, realign and balance the whole body. It may bring dramatic results, such as recovery from injury; reduction in chronic pain, including headache and back pain; improved ability to move with ease; reduction in physical and mental stress and tension; and increased balance and flexibility. Unique to the process is the incorporation of Rolf Movement® Integration which brings the structural work into activities of daily living allowing for greater ease and freedom throughout the body.

Since its inception in 1971, The Rolf Institute has trained and certified over 1700 Rolfers worldwide. The Rolf Institute, including its international sites, is the only organization that teaches Rolfing SI and graduates Rolfers™. Its rigorous training program is supported by an esteemed international faculty, some who trained directly with Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the school’s founder and developer of Rolfing SI.

*Discounted 3 and 10 session packages offered to those who come in for a Rolfing mini-session on September 20 or 24.

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© Carole LaRochelle, 2010.


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