
FAQ About Rolfing® Structural Integration

  Before diving into answering the most frequently asked questions I receive about Rolfing® SI I would like to share this video with you of a presentation my colleague Robyn Martin of Rolfing … [Read more...]


More Connections Between Emanuel Swedenborg, Ida Rolf & William Sutherland, DO

It turns out there is more to this story about Ida Rolf, William Garner Sutherland and Emanuel Swedenborg. Since the publication of the first piece I have run across two transcripts of Rolf speaking … [Read more...]


From twister cables to pointe shoes: The birth of a Certified Rolfer™

— Different synchronistic events and life circumstances can sometimes conspire to show you your life’s path. In my case, those events and conditions combined with my anatomical structure to show me … [Read more...]


Ida Rolf Was Studying Yoga Decades Before The Beatles Discovered the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Long before Michael Murphy and George Leonard coined the term "human potential movement' in 1965¹ and The Beatles met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in August 1967 Ida Rolf, Ph.D. was interested in the … [Read more...]


How Swedenborg’s Mysticism Influenced Osteopathy, Rolfing SI and The Psychological Lineage of The Fledgling Esalen Institute

I recently spent some time at Esalen® Institute and while there picked up a copy of Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion by Jeffrey J. Kripal. This book recounts the fascinating formation … [Read more...]


Rolfing Structural Integration is NOT Ralphing, ROFL, or . . .

A guide for all you 21st century internet savvy, Facebooking, Blogging, Twittering Peeps out there Long, long ago in a century far, far away lived a woman named Ida Pauline Rolf. She observed that … [Read more...]


5Rhythms® Movement Practice Helps Me Get My Flow On

I went to a Sweat Your Prayers: Silent Practice last Sunday hosted by The Moving Center School. I had not been to a Sweat Your Prayers in quite some time and the practice got me back in touch with a … [Read more...]