
What you get from a Rolfing Session & New Fee Schedule

For most people the two biggest obstacles to getting a Rolfing® session are time and money, and coming in for a Rolfing session is a considerable investment in both. I think it is important to acknowledge this reality.

I know this because

  • I walk the walk and get at least six Rolfing sessions a year.
  • My schedule is crazy busy, so if I don’t plan for it, Rolfing doesn’t happen for me.

Ease of Scheduling

We never think of scheduling a Rolfing session at a time that is actually convenient to call. You can schedule with me online 24/7 right here. If you don’t see a time that works for you drop me an email with some times you are looking for, and I might be able to make it work.


You get my full attention. For 80 minutes you are the superstar. You are the reason we are in the room.

Bring your questions, your concerns, or your insights. We will create the perfect session for you, for that day, during the time we have together.


I’ve had 24 years of practice and thousands of hours of continuing education. They were all just practice for your Rolfing session.

Clinical Prudence

I won’t practice any techniques that are unsafe for you and your health condition. These are called contraindications. The downside here is I may turn you away, but that’s rare. It’s also possible I might refer you out, or encourage you to see a doctor for a consultation about your condition/ailment.

Proper Certification

I have maintained my membership in good standing and certification with the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute since I graduated in 1996. In addition to my basic Rolfing certification I am also a Certified Advanced Rolfer™ and Rolf Movement® practitioner. I currently serve on the Board of Directors for the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute as an At-Large Representative.

I am also a Board Certified Structural Integrator through the Certification Board for Structural Integration. I renew this certification every two years. This certification supports the profession of structural integration through establishing and maintaining standards for structural integration professionals, and to help the public and allied professionals recognize qualified and well-educated SI practitioners.

You get to support a small local business

It’s just me! No conglomerate. No fancy management structure or corporate set up. Just a little business owner, paying her taxes, making a living, and participating in the same communities she serves. There are fewer and fewer businesses that can stay afloat in the era of COVID-19, big box stores, and Amazon. When you pay for a Rolfing session, you can be certain that money is staying in the local economy.

All that from a Rolfing session!

New Fee Schedule begins November 15, 2020

All appointments after that date will be at the new rates. The details are:

$170 – Standard Rolfing® Session (80 minutes to do check in, bodyreading, movement education, and hands-on manipulation)

$130 – Rolf Movement® Session (50 minutes devoted to helping you change the habits that cause your own back and body pain)

$130 – Fix-it Session (50 minutes to focus on very small, specific issues)

$495 – 3 Session Mini-Series ($165 each)

$960 – 6 Session Annual Tune-up ($160 each) For those who have completed the Rolfing Ten-Series.

$1600 – 10 Session Series ($160 each) The classic Rolfing Ten-Series as developed by Dr. Ida Rolf.

Please note, to receive the multi-session discount all series of sessions must be paid for in advance.

COVID-19 Safety Accommodations

And finally, if you haven’t already, please read my COVID-19 Safety Accommodations to get more information about the steps I am taking, and that I am asking you to take, to minimize our risks of transferring the virus.

I look forward to seeing you in the office soon. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook as well!

Have a great rest of your autumn,


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