
Green Jobs Pioneer Van Jones Utilized Rolfing® SI in His Search For Personal Healing

In an interview in the April 2009 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine Van Jones Van Jonesspeaks about his personal quest for healing.

He says he spent his time “meditating, listening to New Age lectures about self-improvement, dancing ecstatically with white people banging on drums.” He delved into shamanism, Buddhist retreats, Rolfing, yoga, Landmark, you name it. “I was so desperate for healing,” he says.… He began to resolve his grief through counseling, praying, and falling in love with a law student who is now his wife.

As a result of his soul-searching Jones began to form the idea of “green-jobs-not-jails.” His organization, Green for All, promotes green-collar jobs and opportunities for the disadvantaged. Its mission is to build an inclusive, green economy – strong enough to resolve the ecological crisis and lift millions of people out of poverty.

I salute Van Jones for having the courage and tenacity to do his personal work and for taking his subsequent insights out into action in the world. To learn more about Green for All please visit their website www.GreenForAll.org.

© Carole LaRochelle, 2009.


  1. Carole,

    You should email Michelle Obama, and mention Van Jones having been Rolfed. Who knows, maybe when they come through the area she or Barack will come in for a session. How cool would THAT be?!

    I’m serious, maybe email the video of the doctor on Oprah getting Rolfed. Obviously the Obamas know Oprah and Van Jones so if both Oprah and Van Jones have been Rolfed, it’s worth a shot.

    BTW, the video on the Oprah site is hilarious, here he is the *PRESIDENT* and Michelle still makes sure to mention how he was late to the law firm interview 20 years ago. (She was his supervisor at the time,)



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